What are the statics of a programming language?
Most programming languages exhibit a phase distinction between static and dynamic phase of processing.
People sometime loosey say static of a language happened at "compile-time," and dynamic of a language occurred at "run-time."
The static phase of a language contains lexing, parsing, and in the case of static-typed languages, type-checking, and name resolution.
And the dynamic phase consists of the execution of a program.
We will only focus on static-typed languages in this post since the statics of dynamically-typed languages are trivial.
In the static phase, we consider what the valid operations of a program are.
We construct a set of rules on the typing judgments to state if an expression is well-formed for certain types.
Static of a small expression language
Let's consider a pretty dull expression-oriented language below.
The above grammar defined two sorts, Typeτ and Expre.
A type in this language can either be number or string.
Now it's time to define the inference rules for the derivation of each operation.
First, the type of literals are quite obvious
The we can define typing for operations of the language:
If both the left-hand e1 side and the right-hand e2 side have the type Num,
the expression plus(e1,e2) have the type Num.
Otherwise, plus(e1,e2) is ill-formed.
We can use the similar way to define the rest of the operations:
With those basic rules, we can state that in our language, plus(num[1],num[2]) is well formed and len(num[1]) is a type error.
Typing context
So far, our little language does not have variables.
In real programming languages, the type system needs to consider the typing context.
Let's introduce variables and let binding into our language:
Now we can define variable in our languages such as let(x,num[1],plus(var[x],num[2])).
In a concrete syntax, the expression looks like
let x = 1;
x + 2 // evaluates to 3
Whether plus(var[x],num[2]) make sense depends on whether the variable x is defined in the surrounding context,
but our inference rule for plus cannot catch that yet.
What you can do is to introduce another concept called typing context Γ, which is a mapping from variables to types.
We inductively define Γ as either an empty set or the extension of another typing context Γ′ with one mapping from a variable to a type.
Then you need to change the judgment form of typing to Γ⊢e:τ, which means "under typing context Γ, the type of expression e is τ."
For most of the rules, nothing exciting happens besides the additional typing context in all judgments.